Monday 24 April 2017

Dissident republicans have been blamed for a bomb left at a primary school in Northern Ireland. The bomb was an attempt to murder police, according to a senior officer. It was found in an alleyway beside Holy Cross Boys' Primary School in Ardoyne, North Belfast, Shortly before midnight on Saturday two days before children were to return from Easter holidays. Around 20 homes in the area had to be evacuated while the bomb was dealt with.

PSNI Chief Superintendent Chris Noble said "Its a very Significant device more than capable of causing death and serious injury". He also said that the plot was provocative as the Holy Cross school name ins synonymous with violent sectarian protests in 2001 and 2002 targeting Catholic schoolgirls.

I choose this story as it is quite shocking to see that someone would make an attempt to kill police and possibly innocent children outside a school and schools are considered to be safe places for children to be, fortunately no one was killed, however it could have been a major headline if the bomb wasn't found in time.