Monday 26 September 2016

Weekly news

Bush asks Obama for selfie help

When former US President George W Bush was asked to take a selfie with a group of people at the opening of the National Museum of African American Culture and History in Washington, he had to ask for help.
He tapped the nearest person on the shoulder for help - President Barack Obama.
From taking selfies with Bear Grylls to being scolded for posing for a group selfie at a memorial for Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama is no stranger to the photo craze of the modern epoch. For that very reason, it should come as no surprise that George Bush decided to put his ideological differences behind him and enlist the help of the current US President for a selfie. 
Appearing at the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of African American Culture and History on Saturday, the former Republican US president attempted to take a selfie with a group of people but failed to squeeze everyone into the shot. 


  1. Interesting choice of news article - gives a more lighthearted look at the American government amidst all of the Presidential Debates news. To improve, you could go into detail about the source of the article, and how political leanings of the paper/news site could influence how the article is presented to us.

  2. I liked the choice of article, something a bit more on the funny side. Perhaps could of added a bit more detail but also liked the idea of the added video.
