Monday 28 November 2016

New Orleans shooting on Bourbon Street leaves one dead and nine injured

One killed and nine injured in a shooting on Bourbon street which is a very historic French quarter of New Orleans. Police said that the shooter opened fire at 1:40 local time on Sunday at the corner of Bourbon and Iberville street, victims were 8 men and 2 women all between the age of 20 and 37. Two men had been arrested on firearms charges, and place are still investigating what motivated the shooting. 

Police said that the Bourbon area, had increased police presence as there was an annual college football game taking place the night before at a nearby stadium, New Orleans police department said that they had made eight other firearm arrest over the last 24 hours, This is now the second mass shooting in less than three years.

I choose this story as it is an ongoing problem in the US that firearms are legal, i also thought that this story is interesting that it isn't a main story, it could be down to the fact that it happens all the time in the US, linking back to my first point about it being an ongoing problem.

Monday 21 November 2016

Audio Visual

In this advert you can see a middle class white family refurbishing a house as a surprise for the Grandad, the advert is accompanied by an iconic christmas song which is sung in a a way to make the audience feel heart warmed and sad at the same time, for example at the end of the advert it shows an empty chair which the audience presumes is the Grandad's wife who is either dead or not there at this point the tone is lowered so it makes you feel sad, then all of a sudden the tone is put back up to make you feel heart warmed when the little girl comes and sits down in the chair. Ultimately the advert does show a clip near the end where it focuses on the food that lidl sell, so at the same time you are seeing all the food that lidl sell while watching the advert. This advert may not appeal to some people as some people may not be a middle class citizen and it might offend them seeing all the luxuries that the have, not also that but the whole family is white and this might offend other religions or races.

Print based 

The divergent movie poster shows a man and a women on the front cover. In this film the women is the main protagonist and the man is just a helper, the fact that the women is standing shows that she has some sort of authority over him. This shows a positive representation of women as the women in divergent is the main character so in the poster we should see some sort of hierarchy going on between the characters. In other movie posters were the main character is a women it is not always the case, for example the women in 'The Great Gatsby' is a main protagonist however she is not on the front of the poster.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Four killed after US air ambulance carrying patient crashes

This Air ambulance plane carrying a heart disease patient to Utah hospital crashed and exploded in a car park in Nevada, killed 4 people aboard. Three crew members and a patient were killed on Friday night.

The plane crashed in a mining company car park near a casino and other businesses, Elko police Lt  Rich Genseal said that the Plane was apparently experiencing mechanical problems as it was "climbing after taking off for Utah when it lost altitude and crashed. Federal Aviation  administrator  spokesman Allen Knitter said no-one on the ground was injured in any way, and there was not a lot left off the aircraft after the flames were put out. 

Hillary Walker, a manager at a grocery store about 200 yards from the crash said that the crash caused  parked vehicles to catch fire, before dozens off rounds of ammunition went off. Ms Walker noted that many off the vehicles in the parking lot were mine workers vehicles likely to have ammunition in "Its hunting season" she stated.

I picked this story as at first i thought it was quite ironic that an air ambulance instead off healing people killed people, and secondly it is quite tragic that this was to happen. After reading the whole source i read the bit about ammunition which was also quite shocking as that could have possible killed more people than it did.

Monday 14 November 2016

Patients and staff not told about the NHS transformation plans which could see closures in Hospitals and A&E

The plans that the NHS have could lead to many Hospitals and A&Es closed. All these plans have been kept quite from the public and many of the staff working for the NHS. NHS England have told Local health leaders to not reveal plans to the public or media until finalised.

44 reviews of services around the country- which involve closing so A&Es- or in one case a whole Hospital- are yet to emerge. 

  • Plans in south west London to close one of five hospitals - St George's, Kingston, Croydon, St Helier or Epsom
  • In Devon bosses are looking at whether to close some A&E, maternity and strike services at hospitals across the county so they can be centralised at bigger sites

I chose this source as i thought that it is a real concern for England as the NHS are looking to shut down or transform major Hospitals. This will largely effect most people in England as they may rely on the NHS or there local Hospital, that could have plans to renovate.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Print based

For my coursework I am going to do 'print based', which includes a DVD cover and poster, i have gone with this as i did graphic design for GCSE were i learned how to edit images for my coursework i did then, so i could apply the same principles here.

Monday 7 November 2016

Tesco Bank: 20,000 customers lose money

Tesco bank have stopped people from making online payments after money was taken from 20,000 different online accounts. However customers will still be able to use there card for withdrawals, chip and pin payments, and bill payments. They can also use online banking but cannot make any online transactions temporarily while Tesco are working on the situation.

One man Alan Baxter lost £600, leaving him with £21.88 left in his bank account, he said 'Tesco said that they couldn't offer me any emergency funds but would offer £25 as a goodwill gesture'. As a result of this online hacking shares in the Tesco group all together have fallen 2% on the market.

I picked this story as it is a real crisis for Tesco, considering most people rely on Tesco in there everyday life whether it is for shopping or banking, Customers are going to leave the bank if the situation isn't resolved, also i found that it was shocking that Tesco wouldn't supply emergency refunds for people but would offer only £25 as a good will gesture when they are a multi million pound company.

Tuesday 1 November 2016


Title: The best man

Plot: Protagonist Fred Jones is a best man for his best friends wedding in London, at the morning of the wedding the groom John Owens, tells Fred to go to the bank and make a withdraw for the wedding ring in his name. Whilst in the bank Fred realises and unease to the place and suddenly gets caught up in a robbery, there are three men there and they start to empty out the bank when they empty out the box with the ring in it, at this moment the gang hastily plan a way out, and they take Fred as a diversion to get away by sending him out the front doors with a bag of money while the gang leave with the ring, Fred ends up being questioned by the Police. Fred then ends up being released and tries to get the ring back, eventually head is lead onto the Thames, he finds the ring and John has the ring this is Fred realizes that it was a set up and everything was planned to steal the ring from the start. It ends with the boat leaving London via the Thames and Fred walking away.

Summed up:
Equilibrium: this is when everything is fine before the wedding
Destruction: the robbery occurs when Fred is in the bank
Recognition: this is when Fred realises that he was to get the ring
Attempt of repair: this is when Fred starts to hunt down the ring and then finds it
New Equilibrium: When Fred walked away to stay out of Johns business

Fred Jones: protagonist
John Owens: antagonist
Robbers: Blockers
Donors: police
Quest: the ring