Monday 21 November 2016

Audio Visual

In this advert you can see a middle class white family refurbishing a house as a surprise for the Grandad, the advert is accompanied by an iconic christmas song which is sung in a a way to make the audience feel heart warmed and sad at the same time, for example at the end of the advert it shows an empty chair which the audience presumes is the Grandad's wife who is either dead or not there at this point the tone is lowered so it makes you feel sad, then all of a sudden the tone is put back up to make you feel heart warmed when the little girl comes and sits down in the chair. Ultimately the advert does show a clip near the end where it focuses on the food that lidl sell, so at the same time you are seeing all the food that lidl sell while watching the advert. This advert may not appeal to some people as some people may not be a middle class citizen and it might offend them seeing all the luxuries that the have, not also that but the whole family is white and this might offend other religions or races.

Print based 

The divergent movie poster shows a man and a women on the front cover. In this film the women is the main protagonist and the man is just a helper, the fact that the women is standing shows that she has some sort of authority over him. This shows a positive representation of women as the women in divergent is the main character so in the poster we should see some sort of hierarchy going on between the characters. In other movie posters were the main character is a women it is not always the case, for example the women in 'The Great Gatsby' is a main protagonist however she is not on the front of the poster.

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