Tuesday 21 February 2017

British suicide bomber dies in attack on Iraqi forces in Mosul

Source = BBC

A British IS fighter died in a suicide bomb attack on Iraqi forces in mosul is a former Guantanamo Bay detainee. Originally known as Ronald Fiddler, was 50 and from Manchester, was sent to Guantanamo Bay prison 2002. It was 19th of February  where he detonated a car bomb at an Iragi army base, south west of Mosul.

It is reported that he recieved a million pounds in compensation from the government when he came back into the UK. The BBC has seen IS registration papers signed by Fiddler in April 2014 when
he crossed into Syria from Turkey. He volunteered to be an IS fighter, saying that his knowledge of Islam was basic. 

I chose this story as it is interesting how British people are joining IS and are under there influence to commit extreme violence.

1 comment:

  1. Good choice of story, but what are the representations in it?
