Monday 27 March 2017

A four year old girl has died following a hit-and-run in St Helens, Merseyside. Violet-Grace Youens was walking on Prescott Road with her grandmother, when they were struck by a stolen Ford Fiesta on Friday afternoon. CCTV shows two men leaving the scene of the crash shortly afterwards. Violets mother, Rebecca Youens, paid tribute to her daughter after she had died in hospital on Saturday from her injuries. In a Facebook post, Ms Youens wrote "Thank you for all your well wishes ... she was just too poorly." "However my Brave baby girl saved two lives by donating her kidneys and pancreas".

Toilet's Family say they hope the organ donations will "benefit other children and give them a chance to lead long and happy lives". Ms French (grandmother), remains in hospital, where she is in serious but stable condition. Merseyside police are appealing for information about the pair who ran away from the crash on foot, who were both white and aged between 15 and 20 years old.

I chose this story as it is tragic to see that something like this happens, where two completely innocent people, were the victims of reckless driving, the men should feel extremely guilty as they hit down a four year old girl and her grandmother, then ran away without facing up to what they had done.

Monday 20 March 2017

A suspected Islamic extremist who launched an attack at a paris airport on Saturday was under the influence of drugs. Tests showed an alcohol level of 0.93 grammes per litre in his his blood, and the presence of cannabis and cocaine. The gunman 'Ziyed B' shouted "I am here to die for Allah - there will be deaths", before attempting to gun people down at Orly airport. He was initially stopped for speeding at a road check on Saturday morning, where he injured a policewomen after shooting her in the face with an air pistol, he then held a women at gun point, stealing her car and from then driving to the airport. Once in the airport terminal, the attacker assaulted a patrol of three counter-terrorism soldiers. The man was shot dead by patrol officers.

I choose this story as I heard about the whole story before seeing it online and didn't realise the man was on drugs, I think that if he wasn't on drugs he wouldn't of done launched attacks at the airport, how people use drugs should be on more of a concern to the government.  

Monday 13 March 2017

Source = Sky news
y carry what they can and walk through the front lines into the hands of an army that they are scared of. The children in particular are left severely traumatised over the gunfire.

I chose this story as it shocks me to see that families in Mosul are taking massive risks by walking though the front line without any sort of protection, and they are having to walk though the front lines as everything around them has been destroyed by IS.

Monday 6 March 2017

Demographic and psychographic audiences

Demographic profile:

a demographic audience profile categorises an audience from A to E according to their class, occupation and income, categories A and B are the wealthiest and the more influential members of society and are therefore assumed to have the most disposable income. It is used by advertisers to determine where advertisement should be placed according to the demographic profile of the audience. Retired people used to be categorised E to reject the loss of income, but with the rise of early retirement, this group has moved to a higher category to reflect their disposable income and their obvious appeal to advertisers.

 Psychometric profile:

a psychometric audience profile defines an audience by their values, attitudes and lifestyles. As the concept of class and income became a less appropriate way of defining an audience considered different ways of categorising audiences.

-mainstreamers: these make up 40% of the population. They like security, tried and trusted brands and like to think they belong to a group of like-minded people. They like value for money and are less likely to take risks.
-aspirers: this group want status and prefer brands that show their place in society. They are happy to live in credit and will buy items like designer labels. They are stylish and dynamic and may be persuaded by celebrity endorsement.
-explorers: like to discover new things. They are attracted by brands that offer new experiences and instant results.
-succeeders: these are people who already have status and control and have nothing to prove. They prefer brands that are serious and reliable and believe that they deserve the best.
-reformers: this group are defined by their self-esteem and self-fulfilment. they tend to be innovative and are less impressed by status. They are not materialistic and are socially aware. They may be more inclined to buy brands that are environmentally friendly or those that are considered healthy.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Woman raped in front of toddler in the middle of the day

source= BBC

A women in her 30s was raped in front of her young child in the middle of the day near Redcar seafront, Teesside, at lunchtime on Friday. Both mother and child were taken about four miles to Longneck Lane, near Yearby, where the mother was raped. They were then made to get out of the car six hours later in another area of Redcar. Police are investigating whether the attacker knew the victim. Insp Matt Murphy-King said it had been a "very traumatic ordeal for the victim and her child". There were two men involved in the incident, The driver who is in his late 20s, early 30s, and the other man was in his early 20s, both men were white.

I chose this story as I found it very horrific, it awful to rape someone, and to rape someone in front of their child is a whole lot more sickening, This incident will always be in the mind of the mother for the rest of her life, leaving her extremely traumatised.