Monday 6 March 2017

Demographic and psychographic audiences

Demographic profile:

a demographic audience profile categorises an audience from A to E according to their class, occupation and income, categories A and B are the wealthiest and the more influential members of society and are therefore assumed to have the most disposable income. It is used by advertisers to determine where advertisement should be placed according to the demographic profile of the audience. Retired people used to be categorised E to reject the loss of income, but with the rise of early retirement, this group has moved to a higher category to reflect their disposable income and their obvious appeal to advertisers.

 Psychometric profile:

a psychometric audience profile defines an audience by their values, attitudes and lifestyles. As the concept of class and income became a less appropriate way of defining an audience considered different ways of categorising audiences.

-mainstreamers: these make up 40% of the population. They like security, tried and trusted brands and like to think they belong to a group of like-minded people. They like value for money and are less likely to take risks.
-aspirers: this group want status and prefer brands that show their place in society. They are happy to live in credit and will buy items like designer labels. They are stylish and dynamic and may be persuaded by celebrity endorsement.
-explorers: like to discover new things. They are attracted by brands that offer new experiences and instant results.
-succeeders: these are people who already have status and control and have nothing to prove. They prefer brands that are serious and reliable and believe that they deserve the best.
-reformers: this group are defined by their self-esteem and self-fulfilment. they tend to be innovative and are less impressed by status. They are not materialistic and are socially aware. They may be more inclined to buy brands that are environmentally friendly or those that are considered healthy.

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