Sunday 11 December 2016

At least 100 bodies have been recovered from a church in the south-eastern Nigerian city of Uyo. The roof caved in on the worshippers who had gathered for the ordination of a bishop on Saturday. Those inside the Reigners Bible Church included the State governor, who fortunately survived the disaster.

The church was actually under construction and the workers had rushed to complete it for the ordination, witnesses said. Eyewitnesses told the Reuters news agency that they had seen more than 100 bodies at the local morgue. 

An unnamed survivor quoted by Nigeria's channels TV said: "suddenly, the roof fell on worshippers. The governor was quickly rescued. But others were not that lucky." Building collapses are relatively common in Nigeria, mainly due to the use of sub-standard materials and the violation of building regulations.

I chose this story as i thought that it was dreadful and very moving. Whilst reading the story i thought that it was shocking that the Governor was rescued but the but other people were not. I also thought that it was unfortunately ironic as people went to that Church to pray to god, and Churches are considered to be a safe place away from harm, and a lot of people did not make it out alive. 

Monday 5 December 2016

'Crash' analysis

In the film 'Crash' (2004) one of the key themes that occur throughout the film is racism. All of the stereotypical racism is represented in most of the characters in the film through either their culture, religion or race. some off the main racism that occurs is between Black people and White people. for example in the scene where Officer Tom Hansen shoots Peter Walters, because he thought that because he was black he would pull a gun on him instead he pulled out a Jesus statue. Another example is also between white people and Muslim, this is in the Gun store when the Owner doesn't sell a gun to the Persian shop owner Farhad, and refers to Farhad as 'Osama"he then also gets security to escort Farhad out of the store. The next example of racism is between muslims and Latino/hispanics, as Farhad blames Daniel the hispanic locksmith of stealing as he couldn't fix the lock and Farhad had paid him, however Daniel could not fix the lock as the lock was not the problem, Farhad then has his store smashed up and goes for revenge on Daniel with the gun he got and shoots with blanks not realising.

Overall the film gives a negative representation of most races, religions and cultures at the start of the film, however as the film progresses the characters develop and you start to see the goodness in some of the characters, for example the white officer John Ryan saves Christine from a car explosion, just after he violated her the night before. another example is Antony when he drives a van into the chop shop just looking for money off stolen vehicles, they find Cambodian immigrants in the back of the van, Antony decides to release them onto the streets and set them free, he also gives them money as well, then while driving off he realises that he has done a good thing.

Canadian women, 96, becomes a great-great-great grandmother

Vera Somerfield of Lethbridge, Canada, becomes a great-great-great grandmother and her sixth generation, at the age of 96. Baby Callie, born in October, is the newest addition to a family with six generations of women.

2 month old Callie's mother, Alisa Marsh, is 20. Her grandmother Amanda Cormier is 39, and Grace  Couturier is a great-grandmother at 59. Gwen Shaw, the baby's great-great grandmother is 75. Lastly at 96 Vera Somerfield is the great-great-great grandmother.

The Guinness World record for the most generations in an unbroken line is seven, however six is still incredibly rare - and even rarer as they are all women. Ms Cormier told the BBC that she felt very young to be a grandmother at 39, she also said "now she's here i wouldn't want a thing to change.

I chose this story as i thought it was a very heartwarming story, it also comes across as very very astonishing that there is a great-great-great grandmother under 100 and with a whole line off daughters below her in the family tree. The Source from the BBC presents age in this case as a good thing as well as gender as it comes across as if the family are very happy together.