Sunday 11 December 2016

At least 100 bodies have been recovered from a church in the south-eastern Nigerian city of Uyo. The roof caved in on the worshippers who had gathered for the ordination of a bishop on Saturday. Those inside the Reigners Bible Church included the State governor, who fortunately survived the disaster.

The church was actually under construction and the workers had rushed to complete it for the ordination, witnesses said. Eyewitnesses told the Reuters news agency that they had seen more than 100 bodies at the local morgue. 

An unnamed survivor quoted by Nigeria's channels TV said: "suddenly, the roof fell on worshippers. The governor was quickly rescued. But others were not that lucky." Building collapses are relatively common in Nigeria, mainly due to the use of sub-standard materials and the violation of building regulations.

I chose this story as i thought that it was dreadful and very moving. Whilst reading the story i thought that it was shocking that the Governor was rescued but the but other people were not. I also thought that it was unfortunately ironic as people went to that Church to pray to god, and Churches are considered to be a safe place away from harm, and a lot of people did not make it out alive. 

1 comment:

  1. I like that you chose a news story that is from a different country.
    Don't forget to add the source of the story
