Monday 5 December 2016

Canadian women, 96, becomes a great-great-great grandmother

Vera Somerfield of Lethbridge, Canada, becomes a great-great-great grandmother and her sixth generation, at the age of 96. Baby Callie, born in October, is the newest addition to a family with six generations of women.

2 month old Callie's mother, Alisa Marsh, is 20. Her grandmother Amanda Cormier is 39, and Grace  Couturier is a great-grandmother at 59. Gwen Shaw, the baby's great-great grandmother is 75. Lastly at 96 Vera Somerfield is the great-great-great grandmother.

The Guinness World record for the most generations in an unbroken line is seven, however six is still incredibly rare - and even rarer as they are all women. Ms Cormier told the BBC that she felt very young to be a grandmother at 39, she also said "now she's here i wouldn't want a thing to change.

I chose this story as i thought it was a very heartwarming story, it also comes across as very very astonishing that there is a great-great-great grandmother under 100 and with a whole line off daughters below her in the family tree. The Source from the BBC presents age in this case as a good thing as well as gender as it comes across as if the family are very happy together. 

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