Sunday 16 October 2016

Character profile from the film 'Inside man'

Detective Keith Frazer

Detective Keith Frazer in the film 'Inside man' plays the main protagonist or the 'Hero', throughout the film he is constantly projected as the good guy, with his goals being to protect the hostages inside the bank, and also to get back home to his wife, however he had certain things in the way of him reaching his end goal. Firstly the heist crew were his first obstacle as they posed a threat to him and his job on the line as if he failed to keep the hostages alive, he would get all the blame, not only were the bank robbers obstacles he had to overcome, but so were the people around him, for example Madeline White who seemed to be a side distraction that he had to deal with for the majority of the film.

Arthur Case

Arthur Case was the owner of the bank and the surrounding branches, when he was introduced to the audience he seemed to be a caring man, who wanted to make sure that the hostages in the bank were ok and unharmed, however it quickly change and we started to see the shocking truth behind his character, and the fact that he only cared for his secrets hidden inside his safety deposit box. his end goal in the film was to either make sure the contents in the box stayed there or make sure the heist crew left the bank with the box and did not expose the content. his obstacles in the film were firstly the bank robbers, and making sure that they didnt publicly release his box, and secondly the police finding out the secrets and them not exposing them.

Dalton Russell

Dalton Russell played the main antagonist in the film however he was not antagonist to Keith Frazer, as we find out at the end of the film. he had a plan to rob the bank, and made the audience think that it was going to be a normal robbery, however as the film progresses we find out he wasn't after the money he want after a deposit box with content inside that was confidential. This was what the audience went on to think until it turned out he was after the money after all and was always one step ahead of the Detective. His goals were obviously to  get out of the bank with the diamonds alive. and had no obstacles doing so as everything that happened aided him and his pursuit to getting out of the bank with the diamonds and alive.

1 comment:

  1. Good breakdown Aaron it seems that you are confident with this topic of characterisation, please take this forward for when you create your own production and when analysing media products in the future.
