Tuesday 18 October 2016

Mosul (islamic state), could be using civilians as human shields.


People living in the islamic state, Mosul could be trapped and used as human shield by IS. and refugee camps are starting to house people fleeing fighting around Mosul. The organisation chief of mission in Iraq, said that "they could be using the human shields to recapture the city ".

Mr Weiss also went onto say that the IS might be using chemical weapons as well and the children, elderly and disabled were vulnerable to this.

The military operation for the UN to recapture Mosul could leave 200,000-1 million homeless on estimate. Iraqi forces will not find it easy to drive them out of the city also stating that '"it will not be a quick operation, and the Daesh will fight hard".

This story caught my attention as it is a story that shows what the media should be prioritising, as people are losing lives and loved ones to the IS, also it shows comparison between the way people have to live there lives here in England and in Iraq, people here more importantly children, take the things they have for granted whereas people in Iraq are trying to stay alive, and taking every bit of help from refugee camps. to briefly sum this up stories like these ones should be published more often for people to see the horror that goes on inside Iraq.

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