Monday 31 October 2016

Weekly news

Italy Earth quake forces thousands to spend night in temporary accommodation

Thousands of people in central Italy have spent the night in cars, tents and shelters due to the forth earthquake in three months, the quake measured a magnitude of 6.6 which is Italy's strongest on in a long time. In fact it struck very close to were nearly 300 people died in August.

Fortunately this earthquake no-one has been reported to have died but about 20 people have been injured, and a reported 15,000 people are in temporary accommodation, an evacuation of several vulnerable buildings was permitted, and the evacuation has saved many lives, however many historical sites were hit including a 14th Century Cathedral.

I choose this article as it is a problem in Italy and not many people pay much attention to stories like this, however it is devastating as the story is from a foreign country and some people in the UK don't really care and don't realise that a disaster could happen anywhere in the world, therefore people take the things they have for granted whilst people living in Italy don't have anything due to this disaster.

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