Sunday 29 January 2017

Stacey Dooley girls, guns and ISIS summary

In the documentary Stacey Dooley goes into Northern Iraq to investigate the all-female group of Yazadi soldiers seeking revenge on the Islamic state. The documentary ultimately looks at some of the shocking stories the women and girls tell, and shows you what so of the girls lives are like now. one story was about how a women had been raped then killed and thrown out to the dogs, whilst all the other women enslaved watched the dogs eat the dead women, and another story was how ISIS raped a 9 year old girl in front of other women. Both stories are equally sick and horrific however these are only 2 of the many stores told through out the documentary. I think that the this documentary would be aimed at the western world and Stacey Dooley fans, the western world because it shows families that there lives are so easy compared to these womens lives, as normal families wake up not having to worry about being murdered by a terrorist organisation and take what they have for granted. The representations that this documentary covers are Religion, age, issues and gender. The mode of address is Informal as Stacey presents the documentary in a chatty light hearted way. she also makes the situation that the women and girls are in seem a little better than they actually are. i personally think that the documentary is very entertaining because of the way it is presented, if the documentary had been presented by a white man in his 50s with a very boring voice it would make the documentary seem dull and not worth watching, as the documentary is presented by a young women who connects with her audience, it makes you think that it is quite exciting. Overall the documentary is very depressing and emotional, personally it makes me feel grateful that I am not living in a war torn country, and also grateful that I have never experienced what these women and girls have experienced in their lifetime.

Virtual reality 'could help treat vertigo'

Source: BBC news

Virtual Reality could be used to treat vertigo, according to a team of Cardiff university phycologists. Vertigo is a symptom, sufferers can endure dizziness and a loss of balance and nausea. vertigo is  incorrectly used to describe a fear of heights, when a fear of heights actually means acrophobia.
A team of psychologists are working to develop virtual environments to help with diagnosis and rehabilitation. the scientist at Cardiff university say this method of treating patients with vertigo has "real potential". Dr Georgina Powell, of the school of Psychology said: "Vertigo can extremely debilitating, it can mean that a patient can't leave their house because the feel so sick and nauseous every time they walk around in their visual environment".  she also added "the patients are very different and some environments might trigger symptoms for some patients whilst other environments might trigger symptoms for others".

I chose this story as i found it vey interesting as it is quite bizarre that Virtual reality can treat patients with this symptom, its not your average story and it shows that brand new technology that is being introduced is being introduced to help treat people with all types of symptoms or conditions 

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Reggie Yates review

Reggie Yates Life and Death Chicago ~ Review ~

I looked at 'Life and Death in Chicago', a  Documentary made by the BBC on Policing in Chicago, the Documentary is presented by Reggie Yates who is investigating Police brutality in Chicago. At the start of the Documentary He tells the audience that in 2015 9 people were killed by police, he goes on to say that only 1 of 9 were white. I was quite shocked by this as it is no coincidence that 8 out of 9 killed were Black. As i watched further in to the documentary, one man with his baby was talking about his experience with the police in Chicago, he described the streets being like third world countries. Another man was giving a story about a young girl who was laying in a puddle of blood beside her mother,  the man said that the young girl looked up to the police officer, and the officer said "she's dead, get over it". This is very sick to think that the police don't think of the amount of people they effect when they kill one person. However further into the documentary you do find out that the police are slightly misrepresented by the media, as one women who lost her Dad was in the police being interviewed by Reggie, says that  "They go to work, and think to themselves that they are going to shoot someone, in fact thats the last thing they think of doing". Police themselves do fall victim to shootings in Chicago, an I think that there is still a very strong stereotype going around that is, all young black males belong to some sort of gang in Chicago, so the Police only think of the stereotype when they shoot someone. A bit further on Reggie Yates says that there is a shooting almost every two hours in Chicago, this may have changed now as the documentary was set last year, however taking nothing away, this stat is unbelievably horrific and to think that people, whether police or gangs are involved must make everyone else feel extremely uncomfortable in Chicago. Reggie then follows police, with a news reporter to a crime scene, they get there ,and there are lots of police officers at the scene, they put up tape, and stand around for 5 minuets, after 5 minuets they get in the cars and drive off. There could be two interpretations of this incident the first is that the police don't care and believe that the shooting has happened therefore they wont actually need to be there, and the second interpretation is that there are so many shootings that they need to patrol and be ready to stop the next one happening and they have left the crime scene to detectives. It could be either, however I think that it is a mix of both really. Overall once watching the whole documentary it shocks me, this is simply because the stats and stories said in the documentary are so unbelievable they have to be true and if everything in this documentary is true then police in Chicago are given a very poor name. I also think that the police themselves subconsciously know that they are being brutal to a whole stereotype of young black males and females, as they don't want to speak to Reggie about the issue in the documentary at all. i also think that Police do lose many officers in shooting so it is a 50/50 in terms of victimisation.

Monday 23 January 2017

Browned toast and potatoes are 'potential cancer risk', say food scientists

    Source= BBC news

Bread, Chips and Potatoes should be cooked to a golden yellow colour, rather than brown, to reduce our intake of a chemical 'acrylamide' which could cause cancer. Acrylamide is produced when starchy foods are roasted, died or grilled for too long at a high temperature. The Food Standards Agency recommends carefully following cooking instructions and try to avoid browning, they went on to say that you should also avoid storing potatoes and parsnips in the fridge, this is because sugar levels rise in the vegetables at low temperatures, and this could potentially increase the amount of Acrylamide produced when cooking.

The Food standard agency says it is not clear exactly how much acrylamide can be tolerated by people, but it is believed that we are eating too much of it. Research in Animals has shown that the chemical is toxic to their DNA and causes cancer, so scientist have assumed that it is the same with people, although there is no evidence.

I chose this story as i thought that it was quite shocking to see that something that most people eat on a daily basis could slowly be killing them. It is even worse to think that this could be the main cause for most peoples cancer (along with smoking).

Sunday 15 January 2017

How Antarctic bases went from wooden huts to sci-fi chic

    source = BBC

For decades Antartica -  the only continent with no indigenous population population
 - had only the simplest huts as human shelter, however now architecture there is getting snazzier.

The design will temporarily hold 65 people at a time with its futuristic design costing a price tag of 
$100m, and whilst a Chinese company are building it, it is not in China and almost no-one will ever see it.

The 'Brazilian Ferraz Antarctic Research' was originally burned down in 2012, the Brazilian 
navy then launched architectural competition for a replacement design, which was won. It is due to be finished 
being built in 2018. Located on a small island off the coast of Antarctica, it lies 1,000 km south of the tip of South 
Africa. It is closed off from the public as there is no scheduled air routes and it is way off any shipping lanes, virtually
nobody other than crews posted there will ever see it.

I chose this story as it is quite eye, and it is something different to everything that people normally see in the media.
I think this is a very unique event, that someone has built more than just a hut in the Antarctica, it also addresses
how technology is moving to another level.

Sunday 8 January 2017

More people die as European chill maintains its grip

Source = Sky news

Eight people in Italy have died due to freezing weather as blizzards continue across Europe. One man died in a Basement in an unused house while another passes away on a street flanking Florence's Arno River. While the UK has not been hit by this whether there is warning of it coming by the end of next week, as artic ear moves south.

Firefighters in the city of Hamburg have been called 415 over the weekend due to weather related accidents, and in Hannover (Germany) one person died as their car skidded against a tree on an icy road. As well as four Portuguese nationals were killed when a bus skidded down an icy road in Eastern France.

The reason I chose this story was because that although it isn't massively devastating, the natural disaster has spread around Europe taking many lives on its way, it is also quite shocking to see how that much snow can cause that much harm to people.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Turkey must prepare for ongoing violence in 2017

Just after the stroke of midnight in an Istanbul club two gunman opened fire starting the year of with violence, this could suggest more ongoing violence in 2017 to come.

Bombings and shootings happen almost a daily occurrence in Turkey, Turkish troops are fighting on two fronts in Syria. Last year, IS killed 45 and wounded many more in an attack on one of Istanbul's airport, there are many more examples of attacks from IS in Turkey and Recently have conducted suicide and gun attacks inside Turkey. A coup last year against the Turkish president, shook the security establishment to its core. Thousands of officers were arrested for being involved in the coup as a result of this incident. These domestic dramas have left Turkey even more vulnerable to terror attacks

I chose this story as it is shocking to see the ongoing Threat of IS inside Turkey, and the fact that the year was started by terror attacks in Istanbul makes it worse.