Sunday 29 January 2017

Virtual reality 'could help treat vertigo'

Source: BBC news

Virtual Reality could be used to treat vertigo, according to a team of Cardiff university phycologists. Vertigo is a symptom, sufferers can endure dizziness and a loss of balance and nausea. vertigo is  incorrectly used to describe a fear of heights, when a fear of heights actually means acrophobia.
A team of psychologists are working to develop virtual environments to help with diagnosis and rehabilitation. the scientist at Cardiff university say this method of treating patients with vertigo has "real potential". Dr Georgina Powell, of the school of Psychology said: "Vertigo can extremely debilitating, it can mean that a patient can't leave their house because the feel so sick and nauseous every time they walk around in their visual environment".  she also added "the patients are very different and some environments might trigger symptoms for some patients whilst other environments might trigger symptoms for others".

I chose this story as i found it vey interesting as it is quite bizarre that Virtual reality can treat patients with this symptom, its not your average story and it shows that brand new technology that is being introduced is being introduced to help treat people with all types of symptoms or conditions 


  1. You have included a lot of detail about the story, but it lacks detail on the audience and representations for this story.

  2. You need to write about what representation this comes under.
