Sunday 15 January 2017

How Antarctic bases went from wooden huts to sci-fi chic

    source = BBC

For decades Antartica -  the only continent with no indigenous population population
 - had only the simplest huts as human shelter, however now architecture there is getting snazzier.

The design will temporarily hold 65 people at a time with its futuristic design costing a price tag of 
$100m, and whilst a Chinese company are building it, it is not in China and almost no-one will ever see it.

The 'Brazilian Ferraz Antarctic Research' was originally burned down in 2012, the Brazilian 
navy then launched architectural competition for a replacement design, which was won. It is due to be finished 
being built in 2018. Located on a small island off the coast of Antarctica, it lies 1,000 km south of the tip of South 
Africa. It is closed off from the public as there is no scheduled air routes and it is way off any shipping lanes, virtually
nobody other than crews posted there will ever see it.

I chose this story as it is quite eye, and it is something different to everything that people normally see in the media.
I think this is a very unique event, that someone has built more than just a hut in the Antarctica, it also addresses
how technology is moving to another level.


  1. You need to link your weekly news to the representation list,
    other than that it was quite interesting.

  2. This is a good account of the story, but you do need to link it to the representations of the list on the wall.
