Sunday 8 January 2017

More people die as European chill maintains its grip

Source = Sky news

Eight people in Italy have died due to freezing weather as blizzards continue across Europe. One man died in a Basement in an unused house while another passes away on a street flanking Florence's Arno River. While the UK has not been hit by this whether there is warning of it coming by the end of next week, as artic ear moves south.

Firefighters in the city of Hamburg have been called 415 over the weekend due to weather related accidents, and in Hannover (Germany) one person died as their car skidded against a tree on an icy road. As well as four Portuguese nationals were killed when a bus skidded down an icy road in Eastern France.

The reason I chose this story was because that although it isn't massively devastating, the natural disaster has spread around Europe taking many lives on its way, it is also quite shocking to see how that much snow can cause that much harm to people.


  1. Include what this story represents and compare it to maybe previous years that have had bad snow

  2. Remember to refer to CCCEO because you could of gone in a lot more depth. Also remember to relate to representation.
