Sunday 29 January 2017

Stacey Dooley girls, guns and ISIS summary

In the documentary Stacey Dooley goes into Northern Iraq to investigate the all-female group of Yazadi soldiers seeking revenge on the Islamic state. The documentary ultimately looks at some of the shocking stories the women and girls tell, and shows you what so of the girls lives are like now. one story was about how a women had been raped then killed and thrown out to the dogs, whilst all the other women enslaved watched the dogs eat the dead women, and another story was how ISIS raped a 9 year old girl in front of other women. Both stories are equally sick and horrific however these are only 2 of the many stores told through out the documentary. I think that the this documentary would be aimed at the western world and Stacey Dooley fans, the western world because it shows families that there lives are so easy compared to these womens lives, as normal families wake up not having to worry about being murdered by a terrorist organisation and take what they have for granted. The representations that this documentary covers are Religion, age, issues and gender. The mode of address is Informal as Stacey presents the documentary in a chatty light hearted way. she also makes the situation that the women and girls are in seem a little better than they actually are. i personally think that the documentary is very entertaining because of the way it is presented, if the documentary had been presented by a white man in his 50s with a very boring voice it would make the documentary seem dull and not worth watching, as the documentary is presented by a young women who connects with her audience, it makes you think that it is quite exciting. Overall the documentary is very depressing and emotional, personally it makes me feel grateful that I am not living in a war torn country, and also grateful that I have never experienced what these women and girls have experienced in their lifetime.

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