Sunday 11 December 2016

At least 100 bodies have been recovered from a church in the south-eastern Nigerian city of Uyo. The roof caved in on the worshippers who had gathered for the ordination of a bishop on Saturday. Those inside the Reigners Bible Church included the State governor, who fortunately survived the disaster.

The church was actually under construction and the workers had rushed to complete it for the ordination, witnesses said. Eyewitnesses told the Reuters news agency that they had seen more than 100 bodies at the local morgue. 

An unnamed survivor quoted by Nigeria's channels TV said: "suddenly, the roof fell on worshippers. The governor was quickly rescued. But others were not that lucky." Building collapses are relatively common in Nigeria, mainly due to the use of sub-standard materials and the violation of building regulations.

I chose this story as i thought that it was dreadful and very moving. Whilst reading the story i thought that it was shocking that the Governor was rescued but the but other people were not. I also thought that it was unfortunately ironic as people went to that Church to pray to god, and Churches are considered to be a safe place away from harm, and a lot of people did not make it out alive. 

Monday 5 December 2016

'Crash' analysis

In the film 'Crash' (2004) one of the key themes that occur throughout the film is racism. All of the stereotypical racism is represented in most of the characters in the film through either their culture, religion or race. some off the main racism that occurs is between Black people and White people. for example in the scene where Officer Tom Hansen shoots Peter Walters, because he thought that because he was black he would pull a gun on him instead he pulled out a Jesus statue. Another example is also between white people and Muslim, this is in the Gun store when the Owner doesn't sell a gun to the Persian shop owner Farhad, and refers to Farhad as 'Osama"he then also gets security to escort Farhad out of the store. The next example of racism is between muslims and Latino/hispanics, as Farhad blames Daniel the hispanic locksmith of stealing as he couldn't fix the lock and Farhad had paid him, however Daniel could not fix the lock as the lock was not the problem, Farhad then has his store smashed up and goes for revenge on Daniel with the gun he got and shoots with blanks not realising.

Overall the film gives a negative representation of most races, religions and cultures at the start of the film, however as the film progresses the characters develop and you start to see the goodness in some of the characters, for example the white officer John Ryan saves Christine from a car explosion, just after he violated her the night before. another example is Antony when he drives a van into the chop shop just looking for money off stolen vehicles, they find Cambodian immigrants in the back of the van, Antony decides to release them onto the streets and set them free, he also gives them money as well, then while driving off he realises that he has done a good thing.

Canadian women, 96, becomes a great-great-great grandmother

Vera Somerfield of Lethbridge, Canada, becomes a great-great-great grandmother and her sixth generation, at the age of 96. Baby Callie, born in October, is the newest addition to a family with six generations of women.

2 month old Callie's mother, Alisa Marsh, is 20. Her grandmother Amanda Cormier is 39, and Grace  Couturier is a great-grandmother at 59. Gwen Shaw, the baby's great-great grandmother is 75. Lastly at 96 Vera Somerfield is the great-great-great grandmother.

The Guinness World record for the most generations in an unbroken line is seven, however six is still incredibly rare - and even rarer as they are all women. Ms Cormier told the BBC that she felt very young to be a grandmother at 39, she also said "now she's here i wouldn't want a thing to change.

I chose this story as i thought it was a very heartwarming story, it also comes across as very very astonishing that there is a great-great-great grandmother under 100 and with a whole line off daughters below her in the family tree. The Source from the BBC presents age in this case as a good thing as well as gender as it comes across as if the family are very happy together. 

Monday 28 November 2016

New Orleans shooting on Bourbon Street leaves one dead and nine injured

One killed and nine injured in a shooting on Bourbon street which is a very historic French quarter of New Orleans. Police said that the shooter opened fire at 1:40 local time on Sunday at the corner of Bourbon and Iberville street, victims were 8 men and 2 women all between the age of 20 and 37. Two men had been arrested on firearms charges, and place are still investigating what motivated the shooting. 

Police said that the Bourbon area, had increased police presence as there was an annual college football game taking place the night before at a nearby stadium, New Orleans police department said that they had made eight other firearm arrest over the last 24 hours, This is now the second mass shooting in less than three years.

I choose this story as it is an ongoing problem in the US that firearms are legal, i also thought that this story is interesting that it isn't a main story, it could be down to the fact that it happens all the time in the US, linking back to my first point about it being an ongoing problem.

Monday 21 November 2016

Audio Visual

In this advert you can see a middle class white family refurbishing a house as a surprise for the Grandad, the advert is accompanied by an iconic christmas song which is sung in a a way to make the audience feel heart warmed and sad at the same time, for example at the end of the advert it shows an empty chair which the audience presumes is the Grandad's wife who is either dead or not there at this point the tone is lowered so it makes you feel sad, then all of a sudden the tone is put back up to make you feel heart warmed when the little girl comes and sits down in the chair. Ultimately the advert does show a clip near the end where it focuses on the food that lidl sell, so at the same time you are seeing all the food that lidl sell while watching the advert. This advert may not appeal to some people as some people may not be a middle class citizen and it might offend them seeing all the luxuries that the have, not also that but the whole family is white and this might offend other religions or races.

Print based 

The divergent movie poster shows a man and a women on the front cover. In this film the women is the main protagonist and the man is just a helper, the fact that the women is standing shows that she has some sort of authority over him. This shows a positive representation of women as the women in divergent is the main character so in the poster we should see some sort of hierarchy going on between the characters. In other movie posters were the main character is a women it is not always the case, for example the women in 'The Great Gatsby' is a main protagonist however she is not on the front of the poster.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Four killed after US air ambulance carrying patient crashes

This Air ambulance plane carrying a heart disease patient to Utah hospital crashed and exploded in a car park in Nevada, killed 4 people aboard. Three crew members and a patient were killed on Friday night.

The plane crashed in a mining company car park near a casino and other businesses, Elko police Lt  Rich Genseal said that the Plane was apparently experiencing mechanical problems as it was "climbing after taking off for Utah when it lost altitude and crashed. Federal Aviation  administrator  spokesman Allen Knitter said no-one on the ground was injured in any way, and there was not a lot left off the aircraft after the flames were put out. 

Hillary Walker, a manager at a grocery store about 200 yards from the crash said that the crash caused  parked vehicles to catch fire, before dozens off rounds of ammunition went off. Ms Walker noted that many off the vehicles in the parking lot were mine workers vehicles likely to have ammunition in "Its hunting season" she stated.

I picked this story as at first i thought it was quite ironic that an air ambulance instead off healing people killed people, and secondly it is quite tragic that this was to happen. After reading the whole source i read the bit about ammunition which was also quite shocking as that could have possible killed more people than it did.

Monday 14 November 2016

Patients and staff not told about the NHS transformation plans which could see closures in Hospitals and A&E

The plans that the NHS have could lead to many Hospitals and A&Es closed. All these plans have been kept quite from the public and many of the staff working for the NHS. NHS England have told Local health leaders to not reveal plans to the public or media until finalised.

44 reviews of services around the country- which involve closing so A&Es- or in one case a whole Hospital- are yet to emerge. 

  • Plans in south west London to close one of five hospitals - St George's, Kingston, Croydon, St Helier or Epsom
  • In Devon bosses are looking at whether to close some A&E, maternity and strike services at hospitals across the county so they can be centralised at bigger sites

I chose this source as i thought that it is a real concern for England as the NHS are looking to shut down or transform major Hospitals. This will largely effect most people in England as they may rely on the NHS or there local Hospital, that could have plans to renovate.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Print based

For my coursework I am going to do 'print based', which includes a DVD cover and poster, i have gone with this as i did graphic design for GCSE were i learned how to edit images for my coursework i did then, so i could apply the same principles here.

Monday 7 November 2016

Tesco Bank: 20,000 customers lose money

Tesco bank have stopped people from making online payments after money was taken from 20,000 different online accounts. However customers will still be able to use there card for withdrawals, chip and pin payments, and bill payments. They can also use online banking but cannot make any online transactions temporarily while Tesco are working on the situation.

One man Alan Baxter lost £600, leaving him with £21.88 left in his bank account, he said 'Tesco said that they couldn't offer me any emergency funds but would offer £25 as a goodwill gesture'. As a result of this online hacking shares in the Tesco group all together have fallen 2% on the market.

I picked this story as it is a real crisis for Tesco, considering most people rely on Tesco in there everyday life whether it is for shopping or banking, Customers are going to leave the bank if the situation isn't resolved, also i found that it was shocking that Tesco wouldn't supply emergency refunds for people but would offer only £25 as a good will gesture when they are a multi million pound company.

Tuesday 1 November 2016


Title: The best man

Plot: Protagonist Fred Jones is a best man for his best friends wedding in London, at the morning of the wedding the groom John Owens, tells Fred to go to the bank and make a withdraw for the wedding ring in his name. Whilst in the bank Fred realises and unease to the place and suddenly gets caught up in a robbery, there are three men there and they start to empty out the bank when they empty out the box with the ring in it, at this moment the gang hastily plan a way out, and they take Fred as a diversion to get away by sending him out the front doors with a bag of money while the gang leave with the ring, Fred ends up being questioned by the Police. Fred then ends up being released and tries to get the ring back, eventually head is lead onto the Thames, he finds the ring and John has the ring this is Fred realizes that it was a set up and everything was planned to steal the ring from the start. It ends with the boat leaving London via the Thames and Fred walking away.

Summed up:
Equilibrium: this is when everything is fine before the wedding
Destruction: the robbery occurs when Fred is in the bank
Recognition: this is when Fred realises that he was to get the ring
Attempt of repair: this is when Fred starts to hunt down the ring and then finds it
New Equilibrium: When Fred walked away to stay out of Johns business

Fred Jones: protagonist
John Owens: antagonist
Robbers: Blockers
Donors: police
Quest: the ring

Monday 31 October 2016

Weekly news

Italy Earth quake forces thousands to spend night in temporary accommodation

Thousands of people in central Italy have spent the night in cars, tents and shelters due to the forth earthquake in three months, the quake measured a magnitude of 6.6 which is Italy's strongest on in a long time. In fact it struck very close to were nearly 300 people died in August.

Fortunately this earthquake no-one has been reported to have died but about 20 people have been injured, and a reported 15,000 people are in temporary accommodation, an evacuation of several vulnerable buildings was permitted, and the evacuation has saved many lives, however many historical sites were hit including a 14th Century Cathedral.

I choose this article as it is a problem in Italy and not many people pay much attention to stories like this, however it is devastating as the story is from a foreign country and some people in the UK don't really care and don't realise that a disaster could happen anywhere in the world, therefore people take the things they have for granted whilst people living in Italy don't have anything due to this disaster.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Coursework Report:

The topic of the coursework i have been set is Teen Thriller films, the 'teen' being the audience, the 'Thriller' being the genre and Film being the type of media. For my production i had choices to choose from including print based or visual/audio production, In the end i decided to go for print based which is a DVD cover front and back and also a film poster, both being on the topic set.

The Research i have been doing on Thriller film posters and DVD covers  have given me a greater understanding of what to do for  my production, an example i have looked at when getting ideas for my Poster was Inceptions poster. This poster has dark and dull colours mainly consisting of black and blue and grey, however the title which is in red is made to stand out, so when i create my poster i could use dull colours and a title which stands out to add an affect, and another thing that poster and DVD covers do is put names of the character running along the top of the cover, this is done to take up less space on the cover whilst standing out. to sum up briefly Thriller posters are meant to create suspicion and mystery to lure in people to watch the film, so the poster i create must be exciting and create suspense.

When researching the target audience this was fairly easy as i am the target audience and i already know what teenagers are into when it comes to thriller films. When it comes to thriller films for teenagers, it will normally be a sub genre of a thriller, and a sub genre is almost a split between two or more genres, and in this case for teens it is usually a horror thriller or and action thriller. The research that i did was for a horror thriller. Silence of the lambs is an old thriller/horror film that could be aimed at teenagers as the horror gives teenagers a sense of thrill and this horror comes with gore and most teenagers think of gore to be in most thriller films to date. The difference between a thriller and horror can be very easily mistaken, however from the two poster 'Inception' and 'Silence of the lambs' you can tell that a thriller isn't as dark and uses more than three or four colours, and horrors stick to a simple yet effective two colours one for the background and one for the main image as shown in the poster above, however both thriller and horror posters have an effective title this is that when the targeted audience see the poster they can remember the films name from its effective colour scheme. To briefly sum up the teen target audience for a thriller it is usually gore and jump scares that intrigue teenagers to watching horror thrillers, or lots of action, guns and crime that attract action thrillers. There are obviously other different types of sub-genres but these are the main to that teenagers are into.

To conclude, i think that when creating my print based spread i will need to take into mind the research that i have undertaken and also need to bear in mind my target audience and how my production should mainly be aimed at teenagers, and also what teenagers like to see in a thriller DVD cover or poster and how it lures them into watching the film other movie posters do. The definition of a thriller is 'extraordinary things happening to ordinary people'.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Mosul (islamic state), could be using civilians as human shields.


People living in the islamic state, Mosul could be trapped and used as human shield by IS. and refugee camps are starting to house people fleeing fighting around Mosul. The organisation chief of mission in Iraq, said that "they could be using the human shields to recapture the city ".

Mr Weiss also went onto say that the IS might be using chemical weapons as well and the children, elderly and disabled were vulnerable to this.

The military operation for the UN to recapture Mosul could leave 200,000-1 million homeless on estimate. Iraqi forces will not find it easy to drive them out of the city also stating that '"it will not be a quick operation, and the Daesh will fight hard".

This story caught my attention as it is a story that shows what the media should be prioritising, as people are losing lives and loved ones to the IS, also it shows comparison between the way people have to live there lives here in England and in Iraq, people here more importantly children, take the things they have for granted whereas people in Iraq are trying to stay alive, and taking every bit of help from refugee camps. to briefly sum this up stories like these ones should be published more often for people to see the horror that goes on inside Iraq.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Weekly news

US sprinter Tyson Gay's daughter, 15, shot dead in Kentucky

Former world champion sprinter Tyson Gay's 15-year-old daughter has been killed in a shooting in the US state of Kentucky. 

Police in Lexington said Trinity Gay was hit in the neck during an exchange of fire between two vehicles in a restaurant car park. She was taken to hospital where she later died, local media reported.

Mr Gay, who is from Lexington, confirmed her death to local TV station Lex 18.
"She didn't make it. I'm so confused. She was just here last week for fall break. It's so crazy. I have no idea what happened," Quoted By Tyson Gay.

I picked this story as not only is it shocking, and the fact that a relative of a highly recognised athlete was shot dead, but i chose it as it shows how things like this happen in USA and not England, also this wouldn't have happened if there were better policing and stricter rules on firearms in the US. Overall this source could be used as a comparison on the types of standards and government polices across different countries. 

Character profile from the film 'Inside man'

Detective Keith Frazer

Detective Keith Frazer in the film 'Inside man' plays the main protagonist or the 'Hero', throughout the film he is constantly projected as the good guy, with his goals being to protect the hostages inside the bank, and also to get back home to his wife, however he had certain things in the way of him reaching his end goal. Firstly the heist crew were his first obstacle as they posed a threat to him and his job on the line as if he failed to keep the hostages alive, he would get all the blame, not only were the bank robbers obstacles he had to overcome, but so were the people around him, for example Madeline White who seemed to be a side distraction that he had to deal with for the majority of the film.

Arthur Case

Arthur Case was the owner of the bank and the surrounding branches, when he was introduced to the audience he seemed to be a caring man, who wanted to make sure that the hostages in the bank were ok and unharmed, however it quickly change and we started to see the shocking truth behind his character, and the fact that he only cared for his secrets hidden inside his safety deposit box. his end goal in the film was to either make sure the contents in the box stayed there or make sure the heist crew left the bank with the box and did not expose the content. his obstacles in the film were firstly the bank robbers, and making sure that they didnt publicly release his box, and secondly the police finding out the secrets and them not exposing them.

Dalton Russell

Dalton Russell played the main antagonist in the film however he was not antagonist to Keith Frazer, as we find out at the end of the film. he had a plan to rob the bank, and made the audience think that it was going to be a normal robbery, however as the film progresses we find out he wasn't after the money he want after a deposit box with content inside that was confidential. This was what the audience went on to think until it turned out he was after the money after all and was always one step ahead of the Detective. His goals were obviously to  get out of the bank with the diamonds alive. and had no obstacles doing so as everything that happened aided him and his pursuit to getting out of the bank with the diamonds and alive.

Monday 10 October 2016

Todorov theory

Equilibrium: this is often the start of the story when you see the main character living out his everyday life

destruction: this is when something disturbs the equilibrium

Recognition: this is when the character in the story realises that there is something wrong.

Attempt of repair: this is when the character starts to do something to fix the situation that they are in.

New equilibrium: this is often the end of the story when the character gets everything back to normal and finds a new equilibrium.

Propp theory

these are the examples of character that almost every film includes.

Hero- often the main character.
Helper- the main characters friend of companion/ companion's.
Villain- often the antagonist. ( the person the Hero and helper are against)

Prize/princess- the goal at the end of the story/ the hero's lover.
Donor- often the person who aids the hero's quest
Blocker- often the person who isn't the villain but is the person who stops the hero from completing his/ her quest, this could also be a thing that stops the hero completing the quest.

Binary opposites

two things in a story that are morally against each other or things that contradict.
good vs evil
young vs old
innocence vs corrupted
protagonist vs antagonist

Examples of all three for the film Inception.

Todorov theory;
Equilibrium- his equilibrium is his job which is being a thief.
Destruction- this is when he realizes that he could do one last job, and it would give him back his life.
realization- when he meets 'The mark' which is often the victim to the theft.
attempt of repair- this is when he is inside the dream and now has to find a way to wake up out of it.
New equilibrium- this is when he finally makes it back home to his children.

Propps theory:

Hero- Dom Cobb
Helpers- the who team of expert thief's.
Villain- Mal (Dom's wife)
Prize/princess- to get back home to his children and live out his life.
Donor- in a way it is the victim to the theft as by stealing from him he can get back home to his family.
Block- also the wife as she wants to keep him inside the dream so they can life together there forever.

Binary opposites:
Bad vs good
reality vs imagination.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Weekly news

The real cost of giving birth: '$40 to hold my newborn baby'

Holding your newborn baby for the first time is said to be one of life's most precious moments. But how would you feel if you were charged for the privilege?

That was the experience of Lidia and Ryan Grassley, whose baby Samuel was delivered by Caesarean section at a hospital in Utah in the US on 4 September. When they received their hospital bill for more than $13,000, proud new father Ryan was surprised to find it included a $39.35 charge for "skin to skin", or holding the baby, immediately after the delivery.

Amused rather than annoyed, he posted a photo of the Bill on Imgur with the caption "I had to pay $39.35 to hold my baby after he was born."
"I was able to hold the baby on my wife's chest," Grassley wrote in the post, that has been viewed more than six million times.
"Her arms were tied to the table and the nurse was there to remind me not to let go so the baby didn't fall. She actually took my camera from me and started snapping pictures for me. It was a positive experience for sure. We just got a chuckle out of seeing that on the bill."
Whatever Ryan's intentions the image resulted in a heated, often strongly worded, debate about the cost of US healthcare.

This story caught my eye as it was rather bizarre and crazy to think that a hospital would charge for a mother/father to hold there son/daughter for the first time, personally that would annoy me, however they took quite a light hearted approach to it which is quite nice to see and the fact that they didn't complain makes this story quite a good one.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Thriller Research


Inception: This thriller film poster creates suspense, as you can't tell what the film is about by the poster however there are hints to it being a thriller as the lighting in the poster suggests that it is mysterious and thrilling. it also suggests to it being an action as well as they are holding guns.

Jaws: This iconic movie poster and thriller film is mostly mistaken for a horror, however it is a thriller. The red text displaying "Jaws" points out blood gore and also danger. the poster excites the audience as they want to find out what happens next to the swimmer. In the poster the shark is comparatively bigger than the swimmer automatically showing who the antagonist is through the poster giving you an idea of the plot.

DVD covers:

Dark knight: this is distinctly a thriller just by looking at the cover. In the centre of the front cover stands batman and behind a building that has been imprinted with the batman symbol. overall the cover has really dark lighting suggesting it to be a film with a dark mood that creates suspense. The back cover shows Bruce Wayne which means that it is something extraordinary happening to an ordinary person as that is almost the definition of a thriller.

Silence of the lambs: this dvd cover is very simple and effective, the title font is quite scary, which might suggest that this is a thriller horror genre, there are very little words bar the title making more room for audience to see the background behind it and will create more suspense. in the centre of the cover there is a pale white face, this follows most of the thriller dvd cover themes of the colours only being black and white, this is done to create the mood and give an understanding of the film.

Overall thriller films DVD covers and posters are made to create suspense and drama before the audience watch the films, this gives me an understanding of when I create my DVD cover and poster to make the mood quite dark and feature the colours black and white primarily. also to make sure that the font I use stands out from the background.

Weekly news

The rise and fall of the 

Blackberry in popular culture

Blackberry has announced its no longer going to design its own phones, 14 years after the first one came out.
It could still put out handsets but they won't be designed in-house.
Over the years Blackberry's image has shifted from a businessman's assistant, to a celebrity accessory, to the organisational tool behind the London riots.
Recently, though, its popularity has waned in the face of competition from iPhone and Android.
Here, then, is the evolution of the Blackberry in popular culture.

Blackberry released its first two-way pager in 1999 - the Blackberry 850.
But it wasn't until three years later in 2002 that we saw the first model which could properly be called a phone.
The 5810 could handle emails, web browsing and, amazingly, it could even take calls if it was connected to a headset.
Back then, though, things were all business. Mobile phones were the territory of people in smart suits with important meetings to get to.
"We had a very, very successful recipe of what Blackberry was all about," former chief executive Thorsten Heins told CIO magazine in 2010.

Although the Blackberry has dropped in popularity over the last few years it was a sensation and more people had these than iPhone and android. this is why this story really stood out to me as it is a big shock to see such a big company stop in production.

Weekly news

The rise and fall of the 

Blackberry in popular culture

Blackberry has announced its no longer going to design its own phones, 14 years after the first one came out.
It could still put out handsets but they won't be designed in-house.
Over the years Blackberry's image has shifted from a businessman's assistant, to a celebrity accessory, to the organisational tool behind the London riots.
Recently, though, its popularity has waned in the face of competition from iPhone and Android.
Here, then, is the evolution of the Blackberry in popular culture.

Blackberry released its first two-way pager in 1999 - the Blackberry 850.
But it wasn't until three years later in 2002 that we saw the first model which could properly be called a phone.
The 5810 could handle emails, web browsing and, amazingly, it could even take calls if it was connected to a headset.
Back then, though, things were all business. Mobile phones were the territory of people in smart suits with important meetings to get to.
"We had a very, very successful recipe of what Blackberry was all about," former chief executive Thorsten Heins told CIO magazine in 2010.

Although the Blackberry has dropped in popularity over the last few years it was a sensation and more people had these than iPhone and android. this is why this story really stood out to me as it is a big shock to see such a big company stop in production.

Monday 26 September 2016

Thriller powerpoint

Weekly news

Bush asks Obama for selfie help

When former US President George W Bush was asked to take a selfie with a group of people at the opening of the National Museum of African American Culture and History in Washington, he had to ask for help.
He tapped the nearest person on the shoulder for help - President Barack Obama.
From taking selfies with Bear Grylls to being scolded for posing for a group selfie at a memorial for Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama is no stranger to the photo craze of the modern epoch. For that very reason, it should come as no surprise that George Bush decided to put his ideological differences behind him and enlist the help of the current US President for a selfie. 
Appearing at the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of African American Culture and History on Saturday, the former Republican US president attempted to take a selfie with a group of people but failed to squeeze everyone into the shot. 

Sunday 18 September 2016

500 words on the two adverts "This girl can" and "Victoria Secret"

The advert "This girl can" shows women playing different sports at a high intensity, the advert portrays women in a way that the media would normally portray men, as the advert shows women playing sport, swimming and running etc. The second advert "Victoria Secret Swimwear" shows women how they are normally represented in the media, it shows them being sexualised, to sell a product, it only represents a women Physical appearances. Both adverts represent women completely differently, The first one portrays women better, by saying that they are not just there for mens desire but instead showing women like they are men. It shows women powerful and strong with a purpose and not as an object. The second advert shows Women in a bad way, by completely sexualising them in every way possible. This also following the stereotype theme of women in the media just showing there looks. In more detail to the two adverts, the second shows all of the clips being at a beach with the sun shining, and the sea in the background which is a place that you would want to go on holiday from a glance as it looks appealing, whilst the first advert suggests that all the clips are in leisure centres or in a city, which docent appeal to most people, so the adverts take most of there morals from the environment that there advert is set in.

The two adverts would influence people in different ways, for example "This girl can" would give a positive impression on its female audience and it would persuade women to get out and try new things that they saw on the advert, whilst the second advert could also influence girls in a positive and negative way, positive because it could persuade women to buy there product and feel good about themselves, and negative because it could give the impression that the advert is only trying to sexualise women. Although the first advert could be seen by most in a positive manor, it could also be seen in a negative way as it could hint towards women being unattractive and overweight, as a new stereotype. All together i think that "Victoria Secret" shows how women are represented in the media on a daily basis. And the Second advert shows the reality and not what the media stereotypes women to be, This advert could inspire a generation of women across the world, whilst the second advert is very similar to every other advert in the way it portrays women. Both adverts would make men think differently about women, i think that the first one wouldn't really change what men think of women in the media, however it would make men think of women in a better way and not just completely sexualised. The second advert would make men think that women are just to please men with there physical appearances. Overall the media has a massive influence on the way women are presented, if the media portrays all women to be sexualised it would make everyone think all women are sexualised, if they were then to change that stereotype it would change how everyone thought of women.